10 Incredible Foods Help You to Detox And Cleanse Your Body

10 foods help you to detox

There are natural ways to wash away any junk and get your body back on track towards a healthy body. Many foods especially fruits and vegetables, not only have delicious taste, but also have detox-friendly properties. With this ability, it not only boost your energy level but also cleanse your body at the same time.

Here are ten of the healthy foods with that natural cleansing properties. You should include one of these in your meal right away.

1. Goji Berries

You can replace the raisin with this tasty fruit. Rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, which help you to remove waste from your body and improve the performance of your liver.

2. Artichokes

Increase the functionality of your liver to the next level. Liver help your body to purge away toxins and other waste products. Artichokes level up the production of bile in your liver, which helps a lot in breaking down foods to gain the nutrients needed by your body.

Not to mention, artichokes also rich in fiber, protein, magnesium, folate and potassium. Consume this food regularly for better health.

3. Lemon Water

Lemon water one of the popular foods when we talk about detoxification. This source of vitamin C not only detox your body but also help in burn your fat. Dr Frank Lipman encourages us to drink lemon water every morning during breakfast to alkalize your body and improve your digestive system.

4. Cabbage

Cabbage is well known in many races and cultures around the world. The research found that it’s also have liver cleansing properties. Mix the cabbage with apple and caraway to make it taste delicious and increase the liver functions.

5. Seaweed

Put seaweed into your smoothies and your body will cleanse away the lead, cadmium and the radioactive chemical strontium. In addition, seaweed also rich in iodine, which help boost your metabolism naturally.

6. Beets

Beets are also known as one of the super food you must put on your meal. Beets help you to make sure when the toxin is totally away from your body. Many detox cleanses do not make it all the way out and toxins will reintroduce to your body again. Beets also have free-radicals and acts as anti-cancer aid.

7. Basil

Basil has anti-bacterial properties and full in antioxidants to protect your liver and maintain your body health.

8. Whole Grains

Put away your refined grains and replace with whole grains either for detox or not. Rich in nutrients and antioxidants and also high in insoluble fiber. This fiber helps you to flush the body toxins.

9. Ginger

Level up your gear of natural detox process by adding ginger on your plate. Ginger increases your metabolism and flushes out of waste. Eating more ginger will keep your appetite in check.

10. Broccoli

Broccoli is packed with a lot of nutritional value in it. Its belong to detox food because it works with the enzymes in your liver to turns toxins in easier form for the body to get rid of. This vegetable can be eaten alone,in raw or you can include in many paleo recipes. But please do not microwave broccoli, otherwise the detox properties will decrease.

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