8 Best Belly Fat Burning Food

8-best-belly-fat-burning-foodHaving belly fat can really be a huge problem if you plan on wearing a bikini or hanging tops. Fortunately, belly fat can easily be eliminated by following a healthy diet. If you want to be fitter, you should stop consuming junk food, fast food, sugary beverages, and other processed foods. Instead, you should switch to healthier and natural food choices.

For instance, you should consume almonds to help you burn belly fat. These nuts are rich in protein and vitamin E. They are also rich in fiber, which is why they can keep you fuller longer. Even though they are also rich in calories, they will not cause you to have belly fat. Snacking on almonds can keep you satiated, so you will not crave for too much food.

Apples are also great for belly fat. They contain the compound pectin, as well as vitamin C, flavonoids, phytosterol, antioxidants, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and beta-carotene. According to a study, eating three apples per day can help you lose weight. You can also have watermelons. According to a study from the University of Kentucky, this fruit can prevent belly fat and alter blood lipids.

Tomatoes are ideal for belly fat burning too. One large tomato has only thirty-three calories. In addition, a recent study found that tomatoes also contain 9-oxo-ODA, a compound that can affect blood lipids. Experts agree that tomatoes can help people prevent the onset of chronic diseases that are related to obesity.

You can also have bananas. Just like apples, they contain pectic, which can prevent colon cancer. Bananas also contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A, B6, C, and E. Do not worry because these fruits are low in calories, so you can have them without worrying about weight gain. Depending on their size, bananas only have seventy-five to one hundred and thirty-five calories. Besides, bananas also can help in digestion process.

If you like seafood, you are in luck because these foods can also get rid of belly fat. According to researchers, seafood contains monounsaturated fat, which can help prevent belly fat and make your waist smaller. Kelp noodles are good too. Unlike regular noodles, they only have six calories because they are made from seaweed.

Another food that is low in calories is celery. It has only eight calories yet it is rich in calcium and vitamin C. Drinking celery juice before eating can help you burn off belly fat and lose weight. It can even help you prevent ovarian cancer.

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