7 Bad Sitting Postures to Avoid

bad sitting positions

Having a good sitting posture does not only contribute to a good appearance. It also provides several health benefits. Good sitting positions reduce the weariness and pain that you feel in some of your muscles, especially in your back, as they are efficiently used when you have a good posture. Avoid these 7 bad sitting positions:

1. Hunchback 

This is one of the most common wrong sitting postures that almost everyone finds themselves in.  This is especially true for those who sit long periods of time. This causes the chest muscles to tighten, leading to overly curving of the upper portion of your back. It then makes one feel pain in this area as the muscles in it eventually loosen and weaken.

2. Overly curved back 

This wrong sitting position is done by those who excessively arch their backs in an effort to achieve a good sitting posture. As they strain to sit up straight, they produce a cobra-looking back. This causes undue strains in your spine’s disc, leading to pain on your back’s upper area.

3. Forward Head

This usually occurs to people who spend long periods of time in front of a computer. It usually goes with the hunchback. This tightens the muscles of the back of your neck and some upper muscles in your back. Pain is mostly felt in the neck.

4. Round Shoulders

This bad sitting posture is mostly done by those who type on their keyboards a lot. As your chest muscles are tightened, your shoulders rotate forward internally. This causes your upper back muscles to weaken and loosen, leading to pains in your neck, shoulder and back.

5. Wrong positioning of knees and hip joints

Proper positioning of your knees and hip joints creates a good blood flow in the lower part of your body, thus preventing you from having leg cramps. Correct the positioning of your knees and hip joints by maintaining a 90 degree angle between these joints. Aside from that, keep in mind that your feet should be completely flat on the floor.

6. Slouching

Among the bad sitting positionslisted here, this is probably the most common. Defined as sitting in a lazy, drooping way, many find sitting in this position comfortable. However, this comfort that they feel is only temporary as slouching causes many muscles tighten, especially in the lower back.

7. Wrong body alignment

Proper sitting posture involves you finding the perfect balance. To achieve good sitting position, your weight must be completely on the top of the so-called sitting bones in your pelvis. If you put your weight forward or backward, some muscles will tighten causing pain in your back. Strains or injuries in your discs could also occur.

Image: Flickr.com

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