How To Cure Insomnia While Pregnant


If you are pregnant, you can have insomnia due to physical discomforts and hormonal changes. The quality of your sleep will get affected every trimester, but more especially during the first trimester when progesterone is released into your body. It is a natural sedative that will cause you to feel tired and sleepy throughout the day. When this happens, you will have a hard time sleeping during nighttime.

To ease your discomfort, you can use extra pillows to support your back and stomach. You can place a pillow between your legs to support your lower back. You can use a full-length body pillow or a wedge-shaped pillow. To help relax your muscles and calm your mind, you can also use relaxation techniques, such as yoga, deep breathing, stretching, guided imagery, and massage.

Exercising regularly can also help cure your insomnia while you are pregnant. However, you should avoid exercising vigorously before bedtime. Of course, you should also focus on improving your health. Eat nutritious foods and drink lots of water. Foods that are rich in carbohydrates can help promote sleep while foods that are rich in protein can help prevent hot flashes and headaches, as well as keep you’re your blood sugar levels up.

You should drink milk before bedtime and avoid chocolate or coffee during late afternoon or evening. In case you need to take medication, make sure to consult your doctor. Ideally, pregnant women should avoid taking medications so as not to affect the baby. Nonetheless, certain medications may be safe to intake. Before you take anything, including supplements, over-the-counter drugs, and herbs, consult with your doctor.

Your line of work may also be the cause of your insomnia. You may experience sleeping problems if your work requires you to lift heavy equipment, climb stairs, or stand for long periods of time. Since you are pregnant, you should avoid doing these things. Keep in mind that it is highly important for you to get sufficient rest and reduce stress.

Another reason why you may have trouble sleeping is because of restless leg syndrome. According to research, about twenty percent of pregnant women have this condition. It is actually an uncomfortable sensation in the calves that occurs when lying or sitting down. It usually peaks on the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy. To deal with this condition, you should avoid consuming caffeine and taking allergy and cold medications, such as antihistamines. You should also avoid lying down for long periods of time.

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